You're safe here. Probably.
Eric is likely the person who directed you to this site. Rest assured,
this platform is secured with SSL certificates, so there's only a
slight chance that you're being hacked.
In all seriousness, he enjoys building things and loves sharing
them with friends. Explore below to learn more about his skills,
projects, and how you can get in touch.
He spent his day setting this up—showing dedication, attention to detail, and an incredible sense of humor.
According to his grandmother, he's "sharp as a tack." She would never lie—so you be the judge.
He can relate almost every experience to Dota. Engaging with this behavior is not advised.
Eric is always working on something interesting. Here are a few highlights from his public repositories:
Whether you have questions, feedback, or potential collaboration ideas, feel free to reach out. Simply fill out the form below, and Eric will get back to you as soon as possible.